Product Short Description¶
Styles for a product short description used in product_short_description module.
Structurally .product-short-description
contains one element:
Here is an example of product short description usage.
<div class="product-short-description">
<div class="product-short-description__content">Content of the description</div>
Product Short Description tags¶
The .product-short-description
classes were designed to be used with block elements like <div>
. However, you can use them with any other element and customize it to your own needs.
You can modify any product short description less variable in your User Less
section to change a product short description styles.
Product Short Description styles¶
Here are standard product short description styles.
.product-short-description {
&__content {
color: @globalFontColor;
text-align: left;
&-secondary {
margin: @productShortDescriptionContentSecondaryMarginVertical 0;
color: @productShortDescriptionContentSecondaryColor;