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Product Files

Styles for a product files used in product_files module.

Structurally .product-files contains following elements:

  • .product-files__header
  • .product-files__files-section


Here is an example of product files element usage. We also use file-box styles here for presentation purposes.

<div class="product-files">
    <h2 class="product-files__header">Example header</h2>
    <div class="product-files__files-section">
        <div class="file-box">
            <a class="file-box__header">
                <img class="file-box__extension-icon" src="" alt="File icon"></img>
                <span class="file-box__title">
                    <svg class="file-box__download-icon icon">
                        <use xlink:href="/assets/img/icons/symbol-defs.svg#icon-download"></use>
                    <span class="file-box__size">10 kb</span>

            <p class="file-box__description">File description</p>

        <div class="file-box">
            <a class="file-box__header">
                <img class="file-box__extension-icon" src="" alt="File icon"></img>
                <span class="file-box__title">
                    <svg class="file-box__download-icon icon">
                        <use xlink:href="/assets/img/icons/symbol-defs.svg#icon-download"></use>
                    <span class="file-box__size">10 kb</span>

            <p class="file-box__description">File description</p>

Product Files tags

The .product-files classes were designed to be used with block elements like <div>. However, you can use them with any other element and customize it to your own needs.


You can modify any product files less variable in your User Less section to change a product files styles.

Product Files variables

Variables used to style product files.

@productFilesFilesSectionPaddingHorizontal: 16;

If you want to change product files styles, you can just change the variables. To change a default horizontal padding just modify @productFilesFilesSectionPaddingHorizontal variable.

@productFilesFilesSectionPaddingHorizontal: 4;

Product Files styles

Here are standard product files styles.

.product-files {
    &__files-section {
        .pixel-to-rem(padding-left, @productFilesFilesSectionPaddingHorizontal);
        .pixel-to-rem(padding-right, @productFilesFilesSectionPaddingHorizontal);

Styles reference

Modules reference