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Use icon element to style icons anywhere on the page.


Storefront theme provides predefined stylings for various icons according to props of the icon macro. Those stylings are icon_l, icon_xl, icon_xxl, icon_clickable, icon_filled, icon_no-stroke, icon_link, icon_success and icon_error.

<svg class="icon icon_l">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_xl">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_xxl">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_clickable">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_filled">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_no-stroke">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_link">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_success">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_error">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

Icon tags

The .icon class was designed to be used with <svg> elements. However, you can use them with any element. Eg. <div> or <span>.

Icon sizes

Each icon can have different sizes. We support styles for 3 different size modifiers: l, xl and xxl. To change the icon size, add icon_l, icon_xl or icon_xxl class to your icon.

<svg class="icon icon_l">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_xl">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_xxl">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

Icon variants

Each icon can have different color scheme according to the chosen variant. We support styles for 3 variants: link, success and error. You can change the variant by adding one of the following classes: icon_link, icon_success, icon_error.

<svg class="icon icon_link">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_success">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_error">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

Other icon modifiers

We provide additional modifiers to make the usage of the icons simpler. You can modify any icon to be clickable with icon_clickable class, to be filled with icon_filled class or to have no stroke with icon_no-stroke class.

<svg class="icon icon_clickable">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_filled">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>

<svg class="icon icon_no-stroke">
    <use xlink:href=""></use>


You can modify any icon less variable in your User Less section to change icon styles.

Icon variables

Variables used to style icons.

@iconMSize: 16px;
@iconLSize: 20px;
@iconXlSize: 24px;
@iconXxlSize: 32px;
@iconXxxlSize: 64px;

@iconColor: @globalFontColor;

@iconVariantLinkColor: @linkColorPrimary;

@iconVariantSuccessColor: @primaryColor;

@iconVariantErrorColor: @globalFontColor;

@iconVariantPromoColor: @neutralColors0;
@iconVariantPromoBgColor: @secondaryColor;
@iconVariantPromoPadding: 1;
@iconVariantPromoBorderRadius: 2;

If you want to change icon styles, you can just change the variables. To change default stroke just modify @iconColor variable.

@iconColor: red;

Icon mixins

Those mixins are used to create icons.

.icon-m () {
    width: @iconMSize;
    height: @iconMSize;

.icon-l () {
    width: @iconLSize;
    height: @iconLSize;

.icon-xl () {
    width: @iconXlSize;
    height: @iconXlSize;

.icon-xxl () {
    width: @iconXxlSize;
    height: @iconXxlSize;

.icon-xxxl () {
    width: @iconXxxlSize;
    height: @iconXxxlSize;

Icon standard styles

Here are standard icon styles.

.icon {
    fill: transparent;
    stroke: @iconColor;


    &_l {

    &_xl {

    &_xxl {

    &_xxxl {

    &_clickable {
        cursor: pointer;

    &_filled {
        fill: @iconColor;

    &_no-stroke {
        stroke: transparent;

    &_secondary-color {
        stroke: @globalFontColorSecondary;

    &_tertiary-color {
        stroke: @globalFontColorTertiary;

    &_link {
        fill: transparent;
        stroke: @iconVariantLinkColor;

    &_success {
        fill: transparent;
        stroke: @iconVariantSuccessColor;

        &-filled {
            stroke: @neutralColors0;
            background-color: @iconVariantSuccessColor;
            border-radius: 50%;
            vertical-align: middle;
            padding: 0.5rem;
            box-shadow: 0 0 0px 6px @successColors50;

    &_error {
        fill: transparent;
        stroke: @iconVariantErrorColor;

        &-filled {
            stroke: @neutralColors0;
            background-color: @iconVariantErrorColor;
            border-radius: 50%;
            vertical-align: middle;
            padding: 0.5rem;
            box-shadow: 0 0 0px 6px @errorColors50;

    &_promo {
        fill: transparent;
        stroke: @iconVariantPromoColor;
        background-color: @iconVariantPromoBgColor;
        .pixel-to-rem(padding, @iconVariantPromoPadding);
        .pixel-to-rem(border-radius, @iconVariantPromoBorderRadius);
        vertical-align: middle;

h-icon {
    display: inline-flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

Macros reference