Release notes¶
Styles documentations changes
We have updated documentations for: * pagination styles
Webcomponent events
We have added documentations for events emitted from the Event Bus as well as the custom DOM events along with all the objects and models that they use.
We have also updated the documentation for all webcomponents that utilize these events, adding details about which events are being dispatched or listened to.
We have also added missing documentations for the following webcomponents along with their events usage:
Javascript models
We have moved all of the models documentations to one separate place to make them easier to organize and find.
Besides moving them all we have added a few missing models that are being used across the application:
- BasketPayment
- BasketShipping
- Basket
- ProductBasket
- PromotionCode
- BundleItem
- DeliveryDuration
- Delivery
- PickupPoint
- ShippingPickupPointAddress
- ShippingPickupPointSupplier
- LoyaltyPoints
- Discount
- FullPrice
- Tax
- Product
- ShippingCountry
- ShippingPayment
We have also updated a few models:
We have also rearranged some of them to different subdirectories so that they are easier to find.
JS API documentation changes
We have also updated JS APIs in terms of utilized Event Bus events.
GPSR in ObjectApi
We have added the GPSR elements in Product in ObjectApi:
Module documentations changes
We have updated a documentation for the loyalty-program module specifying what it does more adequately.
We have added a new module documentation for roster_product_recommendation.
Styles documentations changes
We have added a new documentation for Loyalty Program Modal styles.
We have updated documentations for:
Macro documentations changes
We have added documentations for loyalty-program-modal macro.
We have also added a missing macro documentation for color_variant_option.
We have updated documentations for:
Webcomponent documentations changes
We have added a new documentation for the loyalty-program-points webcomponent.
We have also added missing webcomponents for variants which can be found under following links:
- checkbox_variant_option
- color_variant_option
- file_variant_option
- radio_variant_option
- select_variant_option
- text_variant_option
We have also moved product_variants
webcomponent documentation to its respectful directory and it can now be found under this link.
We have also updated and moved the h-accordion
webcomponent to its respectful directory and it can now be found here.
We have also added missing documentations for accordion subwebcomponents:
We have also added three more missing documentations for webcomponents:
New field in Theme System Configuration
We have added a new field viewTransition
in Theme System Configuration.
JS API documentation changes
We have improved the JS API index page.
Module documentations changes
We have updated a documentation for the contact-info module specifying what it does more adequately.
Styles documentations changes
We have added a new documentation for Contact Info Modal styles.
New field in CountryShippingCost object added
We have added a new field in CountryShippingCost in ObjectApi.
New field in BasketSettings object added
We have added new field showConfirmationMessage
in BasketSettings in ObjectApi.
Numbers syncer - sve element
We added a new sve element Numbers syncer
- Numbers syncer
New fields in ShopInfo object added
We have added two new fields in ShopInfo in ObjectApi: id and version.
New option for Header element in SVE
We have added new option computers_and_tablet
for header icon parameter.
New layout in SVE available
We unlocked a new layout in SVE: "Store disabled" page.
JS Api documentation changes
We improved all descriptions for the examples of the Flash Messenger API methods making them easier to understand.
We have added a documentation for buses - a communication mechanism for handling events and messages used in Storefront.
The documentation is divided into four parts:
- Buses main page explaining what buses are
- Command Bus page dedicated for the command bus
- Event Bus dedicated for the event bus
- Query Bus dedicated for the query bus
We have also added documentations for methods used in each bus as well as objects that will help use them correctly.
New fields in ShopInfo object added
We have added new fields in ShopInfo in ObjectApi.
getShopOffInformation method added in ObjectApi
We have added a new method getShopOffInformation in ObjectApi.
Language-Selector & Country-Selector
- We have added two new selectors: countrySelector and languageSelector
JS API documentations changes
We have added a new JS API documentation for the Product Ask Questions API as well as documentations for its methods, models and objects.
We have also updated a JS API documentation for the Flash Messenger API as well as documentations for its methods.
We have also renamed t-flash-message-dto
object documentation to t-flash-message-options.
We have also added a missing object documentation for t-flash-messenger.
Macro documentations changes
We have added documentations for product_ask_questions_form macro and product_ask_questions_modal_form macro.
We have updated a documentation for control_textarea macro adding a controlValidators
attribute to make the validators the same as in the control_input macro.
It's a breaking change. If you have used any validator attributes in the control_textarea macro they won't work anymore. You should change those attributes according to the examples in the documentation page
Module documentations changes
We have updated a documentation for the product_ask_questions module specifying what it does more adequately.
Styles documentations changes
We have added a new documentation for Product Ask Questions Modal styles.
Webcomponent documentations changes
We have added a new documentation for the product-ask-questions webcomponent.
Returned value on Product.category in ObjectApi has changed
In situation when main category is inactive on product, Product.category will return NULL
instead of Category object.
More information on Product object.
Returned value of method getCategory() in ObjectApi has changed
In situation when category is inactive, method getCategory() will return NULL
instead of Category object.
More information on getCategory method.
getCountry method added in ObjectApi
We have added a new method getCountry in ObjectApi.
getLocale method added in ObjectApi
We have added a new method getLocale in ObjectApi.
UsersSettings.isFullRegistrationMode - removed
UsersSettings.isFullRegistrationMode property has been removed.
Object Api
We have added a new fields in SpecialOffer object: isPercentage and isAmount. Together they determine how the discount value should be interpreted and applied. They provide a clear indication of whether the discount is a fixed monetary amount or a percentage of the original price, ensuring accurate calculation and application of discounts in various contexts. Documentation you can find in SpecialOffer object.
Device dependent - sve element
We added a new sve element Device dependent
JS API documentations changes
We have improved the documentation for the Customer Privacy API as well as documentations for its methods.
We have also fixed a typo and renamed a withdrawnConsents
method to withdrawConsents.
We have also added a few missing methods:
We have also improved the documentation for the Newsletter Form API and it's now consistent with other documentation files.
UsersSettings.isFullRegistrationMode - DEPRECATED
UsersSettings.isFullRegistrationMode option is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Full registration is disabled in Storefront.
Logo module
- We have fixed the logo module. Now it is possible to use text instead of an image.
New module
- We have added a new module: header
Font size - sve element
We added a new sve element Font size
JS API documentations changes
We have improved the documentation for the Recaptcha API as well as documentations for its methods.
We have also improved the documentation for the Rate And Review API as well as documentations for its methods. We have also added a few missing methods and updated the hasAlreadyVoted
method which is now called hasBeenReviewed
Macro documentations changes
We have updated a documentation file for the image macro. From now on it also takes <picture>
tag attributes.
Skin style system configuration
- We have added new setting to skin style configuration:
. Full documentation.
JS API documentations changes
We have added a new model documentation for the BundleItem model.
Macro documentations changes
We have updated documentations for:
- product_availability macro
- product_bundle_item_tile macro
- product_price macro
- product_producer macro
- product_quantity macro
- product_variants macro
adding various things related to bundles to them.
Module documentations changes
We have updated documentations for:
making sure that all the linked reference pages are correct.
Styles documentations changes
We have updated documentations for:
adding missing subclasses to them.
We have also renamed bundle-product-item-tile
documentation to product-bundle-item-tile.
We have also added a new documentation for grid styles and updated its reference in a bunch of module and macro documentations that should now work correctly.
Webcomponent documentations changes
We have updated documentations for:
- bundle-item webcomponent
- product-availability webcomponent
- product-price webcomponent
- product-quantity webcomponent
making sure they are up to date.
We have also renamed loyalty-add-to-basket
documentation to loyalty-buy-button and updated it accordingly.
We have also added a new documentation for buy-button webcomponent and product-variants webcomponent.
getCategories method added in ObjectApi
We have added a new method getCategories in ObjectApi.
Skin style system configuration
We changed element names in skin style configuration.
From | To |
primaryColors500 | primaryColor |
secondaryColors500 | secondaryColor |
neutralColors500 | neutralColor |
Macros documentations changes
Docmuentation to product_variants macro has been updated.
JS API documentations changes
We have added a new JS API documentation for the Storefront Settings API as well as documentations for its methods, models and objects.
We have also moved documentation for TLocaleIsoUnderscore
from the objects of the translations api to global locale objects and it now can be found here. We have updated all places where it was used respectively.
We have also added two new documentactions for locale objects: TCurrencyIsoCode and TLocaleOptions.
JS API documentations changes
We have added a new JS API documentation for the Resolution Detector API as well as documentations for its methods and models.
Producer selector - sve element
We added a new sve element Producer selector
Category selector - sve element
We added a new sve element Category selector
01.04.2024 - 05.04.2024¶
JS API documentations changes
We have added a new JS API documentation for the Search API as well as documentations for its models and objects. We have also improved the documentation for the Translations API also adding its models and objects and describing more specificly what can be done with this API.
We have also added a few global models and objects that are being used used across JS APIs to make viewing the data coming from the API requests easier. Those are:
- Category Base model
- Image File model
- Price model
- Producer model
- Product Code model
- TProductCodes object
- TWebapiList object
Address object has also been moved to the models and became an Address model.
25.03.2024 - 29.03.2024¶
New macros
We have added the photo_slider macro that provides more flexibility to the usage of the photo slider. photo_slider module has also been updated and is now using the new macro.
11.03.2024 - 15.03.2024¶
Inactive product/bundle
We added new context layout Inactive product/bundle
04.03.2024 - 08.03.2024¶
Skin style system configuration
- We have added new settings to skin style configuration:
. Full documentation. - We changed name of setting
New modules
- We have added new module related to product bundles: bundle_items
New macros
- We have added new macros that allow for better usage flexibility: product_producer, product_short_description, product_quantity and product_availability. Their modules have been updated respectively.
- We have added a new macro related to bundles: product_bundle_item_tile.
New webcomponents
- We have added new webcomponents related to product bundles: bundle-item and product-bundles
New styles documentation
- We have added new styles documentation related to bundles: Bundle Items and Bundle Product Item Tile
19.02.2024 - 23.02.2024¶
Object Api
We have added a new field in Product object: promotingImage. It contains ProductImage object of an image linked with default variant - if it is in special offer, a product main image otherwise. Documentation you can find in Product object.
12.02.2024 - 16.02.2024¶
Object Api
We have changed the type of the returned object for the loyaltyProductsListUrl
property from Url
to LoyaltyProductsListUrl
in getShopUrls method and added a LoyaltyProductsListUrl object to the getUrl method.
Product options in Bundle Item element
We added 2 new fields in BundleItem object: stockProductOptions and notStockProductOptions. Documentation you can find in BundleItem object.
Url to loyalty product page
We added a new field in the Product object: loyaltyUrl. Documentation you can find in LoyaltyProductUrl object.
Product quantity and availability
We added two new macros: product_availability and product_quantity that will now be used by the product_quantity_and_availability module but can also be rendered separately.
Product title
We have updated the set
options parameter name to bundle
product_title_tag_group macro for better clarity, aligning it more closely with its intended purpose. We also modified the product_title module giving it the ability to display bundle tags properly.
29.01.2024 - 02.02.2024¶
Loyalty Program
We added a documentation for the Loyalty Program and getLoyaltyProgramSettings method.
18.12.2023 - 22.12.2023¶
JS API documentation
We improved a documentation for the Favourites API and its methods.
04.12.2023 - 08.12.2023¶
Theme documentation
We added a missing layout theme documentation.
Theme development documentation has been refactored to improve its readability.
27.11.2023 - 01.12.2023¶
Styling documentation
We added a missing macro documentation for Grid Spacing.
20.11.2023 - 24.11.2023¶
Macro documentation
We have added a few missing documentations:
Some of the documentations have been refactored to improve their readability:
- currency_chooser
- icon
- list_grid
- product_attribute
- product_tile
- radio_control
- radio_variant_option
- separator
- textarea
- textarea_control
Some of the links across the following documentations have been updated:
Modules documentation
We have added a missing documentation for Modules development.
Some of the links across the following documentations have been updated:
- blog_article_comments
- blog_article_files
- blog_article_tags
- blog_articles_list_categories
- blog_articles_list_tags
- blog_articles_list
- blog_articles_slider
- filter_options
- list_context_products
- main_navigation
- newsletter
- photo_slider
- product_attributes
- product_description
- product_files
- product_gallery
- product_prices
- product_rating
- product_related
- product_review
- roster_new_products
- roster_product_bestsellers
- roster_product_collection
- roster_product_promotions
- roster_products_of_the_day
Styling documentation
Some of the links across the following documentations have been updated:
- Article
- Blog Article Tags
- Footer Groups
- Radio Box Group
- Image
- Pagination
- Price
- Special Offer Price
- Unit Price
- Product Price
- Product Rating And Review Modal
- Slider
- Splide Carousel
Theme documentation
We have added a missing documentation for a Theme layout.
Webcomponents documentation
Some of the links across the following documentations have been updated:
Documentation link tree
Module links
Some of the links have been renamed to resemble their purpose more and be easier to navigate:
Bottom menu (all links in the footer)
-> Footer groupSide menu (selected links in the footer)
-> Footer groupsMenu (links in the header)
-> Main navigationSearch engine
-> SearchConsents
-> Customer privacyImage
-> PictureSlider
-> Photo sliderRich content
-> WysiwygSelected blog articles (slider)
-> Blog articles sliderFiles to download
-> Blog article filesTag name (page title)
-> Blog tag list titleArticle comments
-> Blog article commentsList of blog articles
-> Blog articles listTag cloud
-> Blog articles list tagsBlog categories
-> Blog articles list categoriesArticles category (page title)
-> Blog category list titleCategory name (page title)
-> List category titleCategory description (top)
-> List category descriptionCategory description (bottom)
-> List category additional descriptionCollection name (page title)
-> List collection titleCollection description (top)
-> List collection descriptionCollection description (bottom)
-> List collection additional descriptionPage title
-> List new titlePage title
-> List producer titleVendor's description
-> List producer descriptionPage title
-> List promotions titleList of products
-> List context productsSum of products
-> List number of productsNew products
-> Roster new productsProducts on sale
-> Roster product promotionsBestsellers roster
-> Roster product bestsellersCollection (selected from the list)
-> Roster product collectionProducts of the day
-> Roster products of the dayProduct name (page title)
-> Product titleProduct features
-> Product attributesVendor
-> Product producerRelated products
-> Product relatedShipping time
-> Product shipping timeFiles to download
-> Product filesProduct image gallery
-> Product galleryPrices
-> Product pricesProduct reviews
-> Product reviewAdd to cart/Wishlist
-> Product actionsQuantity and availability
-> Product quantity and availabilityWishlist
-> Favourites button
Macro links
documentacion has been removed as the macro no longer exists.
JS Api links
has been removed as it no longer exists.
All other documentations were reorganised alphabetically.
JS Features links
The entire section has been removed as it no longer exists.
Styling links
A link to Article documentation has been updated and now is correct.
06.11.2023 - 10.11.2023¶
Macro documentation
We added a few missing macro documentations:
- file_variant_option
- filter_options
- loader
- multiple_filter
- price_product_inactive
- price_product_tile_inactive
- price_product_regular
- price_product_special
- select_variant_option
- text_variant_option
Some of the documentations were refactored to improve their readability:
- control_input
- control_textarea
- input
- input_icon
- menu_content
- menu_content_info
- menu_go_back_action_button
- pagination
- product_rating_modal_form
- radio_content
- ribbon_group
- slider
- slider_arrow_down
- slider_arrow_left
- slider_arrow_right
- slider_arrow_up
- sort_select
- star_half_filled
- switch
- switch_content
- switch_control
- tag
23.10.2023 - 04.11.2023¶
Shoper documentation introduction has been added.
Macro documentation
We added a few missing macro documentations:
- list_description
- order_product_info
- price_product_tile_regular
- price_product_tile_regular_small
- price_product_tile_special
- section_title
- variant_option_label
Some of the documentations were refactored to improve their readability:
- contact_form
- dropdown_button
- image
- input_unit
- file_picker
- file_box
- footer_group
- language_chooser
- language_and_currency_indicator
- menu_toggle_action_button
- menu_close_action_button
- menu_link
- module_accordion_toggler
- page_title
- pagination_button
- product_price
- product_rating_and_review_modal_form
- radio
- ribbon
- star_empty
- star_filled
- star_score
We also renamed a few macros and reworked their documentations as the ones listed above:
-> price_basespecial_offer_price
-> price_special
Modules documentation
We added a missing module reference in the Modules introduction.
We fixed broken links in product_variants documentation.
Object Api documentation
Object Api introduction has been refactored to improve readability.
All of the Object Api objects documentations were refactored to improve their readability.
Product's special-offer
documentation has been also renamed to variant-special-offer
Theme documentation
Theme introduction has been refactored to improve readability.
Webcomponents documentation
Form management introduction has been refactored to improve readability.
Following webcomponent documentations were reorganised or modified to improve readability and consistency across them:
Contact form:
Customer privacy:
- consents-accept-all
- consents-checkbox
- consents-modal
- consents-save
- consents-show-advanced
- consents-show-base
- product-availability
- product-codes
- product-description
- product-gallery
- product-quantity
- product-shipping-time
- product-short-description
Rate and review: