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The ProductsForThePoints object represents the settings for the points exchange conditions in loyalty program in the storefront.

  direction LR
  class ProductsForThePoints{
    bool exchangeDuringShopping
    bool exchangeMinimumBasket
    Price exchangeMinimumBasketValue
    bool exchangeProductsLimit
    int exchangeProductsLimitValue
    bool exchangePointsLimit
    int exchangePointsLimitValue
    Price exchangePrice


Attribute name Type Description
exchangeDuringShopping bool Returns true is points can only be exchanged for products when shopping in the store.
exchangeMinimumBasket bool Returns true if there is a minimum order amount.
exchangeMinimumBasketValue Price Minimum order amount from which points can be exchanged for prizes. Represented by the Price object
exchangeProductsLimit bool Returns true if there is a limit for number of products that can be exchanged at one time.
exchangeProductsLimitValue int Maximum number of products that can be exchanged at one time.
exchangePointsLimit bool Returns true if there is a limit for number of points tha can be exchanged at one time.
exchangePointsLimitValue int Maximum number of points that can be exchanged at one time.
exchangePrice Price Fee charged per unit of product. Represented by the Price object


exchangeDuringShopping property

{% if loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeDuringShopping %}
    Points can be exchanged for products when shopping in the store. 
{% endif %}
 Points can be exchanged for products when shopping in the store. 

exchangeMinimumBasket property

{% if loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeMinimumBasket %}
    At least {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeMinimumBasketValue }} is required to exchange points for products.
{% endif %}
 At least $50 is required to exchange points for products.

exchangeMinimumBasketValue property

Buy products for at least {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeMinimumBasketValue }} and exchange points for prizes.
 Buy products for at least 50 zł and exchange points for prizes.

exchangeProductsLimit property

{% if loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeProductsLimit %}
    You can buy {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeProductsLimitValue }} products for points.
{% endif %}
 You can buy 2 products for points.

exchangeProductsLimitValue property

The maximum number of products you can exchange for points in your order: {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangeProductsLimitValue }}.
 The maximum number of products you can exchange for points in your order: 1.

exchangePointsLimit property

{% if loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangePointsLimit %}
    You can exchange up to {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangePointsLimitValue }} points.
{% endif %}
 You can exchange up to 500 points.

exchangePointsLimitValue property

You can exchange up to {{ loyaltyProgramSettings.productsForThePoints.exchangePointsLimitValue }} points at one time.
 You can exchange up to 300 points at one time.

exchangePrice property

{{ loyaltyProgram.productsForThePoints.exchangePrice }}