The ProductVariant object represents a variant of a product.
direction LR
ProductVariant --> Unit
ProductVariant --> ProductAvailability
ProductVariant --> ProductDelivery
ProductVariant --> Product
ProductVariant --> ProductBundlesList
ProductVariant --> ProductImage
ProductVariant --> ProductVariantOptionValuesList
ProductVariant --> ProductWarehouseAvailabilitiesList
ProductVariant --> ProductHistoricalPricesList
ProductVariant --> ProductHistoricalPrice
ProductVariant --> ProductUrl
ProductVariant --> Points
ProductVariant --> Weight
ProductVariant --> Price
ProductVariant --> VariantSpecialOffer
ProductHistoricalPricesList "1" --o "*" ProductHistoricalPrice
ProductWarehouseAvailabilitiesList "1" --o "*" ProductWarehouseAvailability
ProductVariantOptionValuesList "1" --o "*" ProductVariantOptionValue
ProductBundlesList "1" --o "*" ProductBundle
class Unit{
class ProductAvailability{
class VariantSpecialOffer{
class ProductDelivery{
class Product{
class ProductBundlesList{
class ProductImage{
class ProductVariantOptionValuesList{
class ProductWarehouseAvailabilitiesList{
class ProductHistoricalPricesList{
class ProductHistoricalPrice{
class ProductUrl{
class Points{
class Weight{
class Price{
class ProductVariant{
int id
ProductUrl url
string code
string ean
string sku
string gtin
string isbn
string kgo
string bloz7
string bloz12
string producerCode
string code39
string gtu
bool isBasic
bool isDefault
bool isAvailable
float stock
float packageQuantity
Points loyaltyPointsEarnedForBuy
Points loyaltyPointsCost
Weight weight
Price price
Price basePrice
Price unitPrice
Unit unitPriceCalculationUnit
ProductAvailability availability
?ProductDelivery delivery
Product product
ProductBundlesList bundles
ProductImage image
ProductVariantOptionValuesList optionValues
ProductWarehouseAvailabilitiesList warehouses
ProductHistoricalPricesList historicalPrices
?ProductHistoricalPrice lowestHistoricalPriceInLast30Days
?VariantSpecialOffer specialOffer
Metafields metafields
click ProductImage href "/object-api/objects/products/image/"
Attribute name | Type | Description |
id | int |
The unique identifier of the variant. |
url | ProductUrl |
The ProductUrl object that represents the url for product. |
code | string |
The product code/SKU. |
ean | string |
The EAN code of the variant. |
sku | string |
The variant code/SKU. |
gtin | string |
The GTIN code of the variant. |
sbin | string |
The ISBN code of the variant. |
kgo | string |
The KGO code of the variant. |
bloz7 | string |
The BLOZ7 code of the variant. |
bloz12 | string |
The BLOZ12 code of the variant. |
producerCode | string |
The producer code of the variant. |
code39 | string |
The code39 code of the variant. |
gtu | int |
The GTU classification category of the variant. |
isBasic | bool |
Returns true if variant is the basic variant of the product. |
isDefault | bool |
Returns true if variant is set as default. |
isAvailable | bool |
Returns true if variant is available. |
stock | float |
The stock quantity of the variant. |
packageQuantity | float |
The quantity of the variant in a single package. |
loyaltyPointsEarnedForBuy | Points |
The Points object that represents the number of loyalty points earned fo buying this variant. |
loyaltyPointsCost | Points |
The Points object that represents the cost of a variant in loyalty points. |
weight | Weight |
The Weight object that represents the weight of a variant. |
price | Price |
The Price object representing the current price of the variant. |
basePrice | Price |
The Price object representing the base price of the variant (without special offer discount). |
specialOffer | null|VariantSpecialOffer |
The VariantSpecialOffer object representing the special offer of the variant. |
unitPrice | Price |
The Price object representing the base unit price of the variant. |
unitPriceCalculationUnit | Unit |
The Unit object representing information about a unit to measure quantity of a variant in unit price calculation. |
availability | ProductAvailability |
The ProductAvailability object that represents the availability of the variant. |
delivery | null|ProductDelivery |
The ProductDelivery object that represents the delivery information of the variant. |
product | Product |
The Product object that represents the product. |
bundles | ProductBundlesList |
Reference to the ProductBundlesList object that represents the bundles list of ProductBundle objects in which this variant is part of the bundle. |
image | null|ProductImage |
The ProductImage object that represents the image of the variant. |
optionValues | ProductVariantOptionValuesList |
Reference to the ProductVariantOptionValuesList object which is a list of ProductVariantOptionValue objects that represents the association of options and their values for a given variant. |
metafields | Metafields |
Reference to the Metafields object that provides access to the namespaced containers for key - value pairs of data. |
warehouses | ProductVariantWarehouseAvailabilitiesList |
Reference to the ProductVariantWarehouseAvailabilitiesList object which is a list of ProductVariantWarehouseAvailability objects that represents the availability information in each warehouse. |
historicalPrices | ProductHistoricalPricesList |
Reference to the ProductHistoricalPricesList object which is a list of ProductHistoricalPrice objects that represents the price of a product on a given date. |
lowestHistoricalPriceInLast30Days | ProductHistoricalPrice |
The ProductHistoricalPrice object that represents the lowest price of a product in last 30 days. |
countryShippingCosts | CountryShippingCosts |
The CountryShippingCosts object that is a list of available shipping methods and their costs per country. |