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Recently Viewed

The recently_viewed integration module contains a template with a product tile that includes the id of the currently viewed product. This module is required for the proper functioning of the roster-recently-viewed.

Configuration parameters


Module source code

{% from "@macros/product_tile.twig" import product_tile %}

{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(product_id) %}
{% set moduleInstanceId = 'roster-product-promotions-' ~ moduleInstance %}

{% set productTileSettings  = {
        "recentlyViewedOptions" : '1', 
        "showViewProductButton" : '1',
        "shouldShortenLongProductName": "1"

<template product-id='{{}}' id="recently-viewed-template">
    <li class="splide__slide">
        {{ product_tile(product, productTileSettings|merge({ instanceId: moduleInstanceId, imageSize: systemConfig.lSize })) }}

Macros reference

ObjectApi methods reference

Module configuration schema
