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Product Short Description

Use product_short_description module to insert a short description of the currently viewed product on a page. This module uses the product_short_description macro which can also be used on it's own for more flexibility. This module is available only within a product card.

Configuration parameters


Module source code

{% from "@macros/product_short_description.twig" import product_short_description %}

{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(product_id) %}

{% set hasEditorSettingsAppearance = moduleConfig.moduleAppearance == 'editorSettings' %}

{% if product.shortDescription|length > 0 %}
    {{ product_short_description(product.shortDescription, { hasEditorSettingsAppearance, showLink: true }) }}
{% endif %}

Macros reference

Module configuration schema

        "state": "unfolded",
        "label": "General settings",
        "elements": [
                "type": "radio",
                "name": "moduleAppearance",
                "label": "The module content appearance is determined by:",
                "defaultValue": "editorSettings",
                "options": {
                    "radioOptions": [
                            "key": "editorSettings",
                            "label": "only by the settings from the text editor"
                            "key": "editorAndSkinSettings",
                            "label": "text editor and store theme style",
                            "hint": "If you do not change the appearance of the content (e.g. text size and color) in the text editor, the module will use the store theme styles."