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Blog Article

blog_article module is used to display a currently viewed blog article and is only available within a blog article page.

Configuration parameters


int if set to 1 a short content of the blog article will be displayed on the top of the blog article.


int if set to 1 the author of the blog article will be displayed.


int if set to 1 the date of publishing a blog article will be displayed.


int if set to 1 a comments quantity of the current blog article will be displayed. This is also a link that directs to the comments section of the blog article.


int if set to 1 a list of categories that the blog article belongs to will be displayed. Each of them is a link directing to the list of blog articles with the selected category.


int if set to 1 the main image of the blog post will be displayed.

Module source code

{% from "@macros/icon.twig" import icon %}
{% from "@macros/image.twig" import image %}
{% from "@macros/separator.twig" import separator %}

{% set article = ObjectApi.getBlogArticle(news_id) %}
{% set shopUrls = ObjectApi.getShopUrls() %}

    set shouldShowArticleDetails =
        moduleConfig.shouldShowAuthor or
        moduleConfig.shouldShowArticleDate or
        moduleConfig.shouldShowCommentsQuantity or

{% set hasEditorSettingsAppearance = moduleConfig.moduleAppearance == 'editorSettings' %}

{% set resetCssClass = hasEditorSettingsAppearance ? 'resetcss' : '' %}

<article class="blog-article">
    {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowShortContent and article.shortContent %}
        <section class="blog-article__short-content {{ resetCssClass }}">{{ article.shortContent|raw }}</section>
    {% endif %}

    {% if shouldShowArticleDetails %}
        <ul class="blog-article-details">
            {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowAuthor and %}
                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                    {{ translate('author') }}: <span class="blog-article-details__detail">{{ }}</span>

                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                                horizontal: true,
                                size: 'm',
                                classNames: 'hidden-xs-only'
            {% endif %}

            {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowArticleDate and article.createdAt %}
                <li class="blog-article-details__item">{{ translate('added') }}: {{ article.createdAt }}</li>

                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                                horizontal: true,
                                size: 'm',
                                classNames: 'hidden-xs-only'
            {% endif %}

            {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowCommentsQuantity %}
                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                    <h-scroll-to to="blog-article-comments" class="blog-article-details__link">
                            icon('icon-message-square', {
                                classNames: ['blog-article-details__icon']
                        <span class="blog-article-details__detail">{{ article.comments|length }}</span>
                        {{ translate('comments') }}

                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                                horizontal: true,
                                size: 'm',
                                classNames: 'hidden-xs-only'
            {% endif %}

            {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowCategories and article.categories|length > 0 %}
                <li class="blog-article-details__item">
                    {{ translate('in category') }}

                    {% for category in article.categories %}
                        <a href="{{ category.url }}" class="blog-article-details__detail blog-article-details__link">
                            {{ }}
                        {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if moduleConfig.shouldShowMainImage and article.image %}
                img: {
                    src: article.image,
                    class: "blog-article__image",
                    alt: translate('Go to entry'),
                    fetchpriority: 'high'
    {% endif %}

    <section class="blog-article__content grid__row grid__row_xs-hcenter">
        <div class="grid__col grid__col_lg-8">
            <article class="{{ resetCssClass }}">
                {{ article.content|raw }}

{% set articleCreationDate = article.createdAt|date('Y-m-d\\Tg:i:sP') %}

<script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": [
            { "@base": "{{ shopUrls.mainPageUrl.absolute }}" }
        "@id": "{{ article.url.relative }}",
        "@type": "Article",
        "articleBody": "{{ article.content | striptags }}",
        "author": [{
          "@type": "Person",
          "name": "{{ }}"
        "datePublished": "{{ articleCreationDate }}",
        "dateCreated": "{{ articleCreationDate }}",
        "image": ["{{ article.image }}"],
        "abstract": "{{ article.shortContent | striptags }}",
        "description": "{{ article.content | striptags }}"

The module uses JSON-LD and Microdata from to optimize search results in browsers.

Macros reference

Used webcomponents

Used Object Api methods

Used styles

Module configuration schema

        "state": "unfolded",
        "label": "General settings",
        "elements": [
                "type": "infobox",
                "name": "infobox",
                "options": {
                    "type": "blank",
                    "message": "#### Related settings in the admin panel%s- changing phrases in [translations](%s)%s- adding and editing blog entries in the [List of entries](%s)",
                    "placeholderValues": ["\n", "\/admin\/configLanguages\/list", "\n", "\/admin\/news\/list"]
                "type": "header",
                "name": "blog_options",
                "label": "For each blog article, show:",
                "children": [
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowShortContent",
                        "label": "Abbreviated blog entry content",
                        "defaultValue": 1
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowAuthor",
                        "label": "Author of the entry",
                        "defaultValue": 0
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowArticleDate",
                        "label": "Entry date",
                        "defaultValue": 1
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowCommentsQuantity",
                        "label": "Number of comments",
                        "defaultValue": 0
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowCategories",
                        "label": "Entry categories",
                        "defaultValue": 1
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "name": "shouldShowMainImage",
                        "label": "Main image",
                        "defaultValue": 1
                "type": "radio",
                "name": "moduleAppearance",
                "label": "The module content appearance is determined by:",
                "defaultValue": "editorSettings",
                "options": {
                    "radioOptions": [
                            "key": "editorSettings",
                            "label": "only by the settings from the text editor"
                            "key": "editorAndSkinSettings",
                            "label": "text editor and store theme style",
                            "hint": "If you do not change the appearance of the content (e.g. text size and color) in the text editor, the module will use the store theme styles."