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The slider_arrow_down macro is used to render a down arrow used to navigate through slider.


{% slider_arrow_down(options) %}

Input parameters


object represents an object of slider arrow down options

Option key Type Default Required Description
options.title string "" no Title attribute of the arrow icon's <svg> element
options.alignment string "" no Determines the custom alignment of the arrow, possible values are pagination and content
options.class string "" no Additional classes that will be added to the main <div> element of the slider icon


In this example we render a basic down arrow for the slider.

{% from "@macros/slider_arrow_down.twig" import slider_arrow_down %}

{{ slider_arrow_down() }}


In this example we render a down arrow for the slider that has a centered-with-content alignment.

{% from "@macros/slider_arrow_down.twig" import slider_arrow_down %}

{{ slider_arrow_down({
    alignment: 'content'
}) }}


In this example we render a down arrow for the slider with an additional title and a custom class making it visible only all devices but mobile.

{% from "@macros/slider_arrow_down.twig" import slider_arrow_down %}

{{ slider_arrow_down({
    title: 'Down arrow',
    class: 'hidden-xs-only'
}) }}

Macro source code

{% macro slider_arrow_down(options) %}
    {% from "@macros/icon.twig" import icon %}

    <div class="slider__arrow slider__arrow_down {{ options.class }}">
        <button class="
            splide__arrow splide__arrow--next 
            {% if options.alignment %}
                slider__arrow_centered-with-{{ options.alignment }}
                slider__arrow_centered-with-{{ options.alignment }}-down
            {% endif %}
            {{ icon('icon-chevron-down', {
                size: 'l',
                title: options.title
            }) }}
{% endmacro %}