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The separator macro is used to render a separator of contexts on the page.


{% separator(options) %}

Input parameters

options (optional)

options represents an object of separator options

Option key Type Default Required Description
options.horizontal string "" no If set to true the separator will be horizontal instead of vertical
options.size string "" no Size modifier of the separator padding value. Currently supported values for vertical separators are m and l and for horizontal separators are s and m.
options.noMargin boolean false no If set to true, appropriate styling class will be added to the separator
options.variant string "" no If set, a separator will be rendered in a specific variant. Currently supported values are: secondary
options.classNames string "" no A list of classes that will be added to the separator


In the following example we render a basic separator

{% from "@macros/separator.twig" import separator %}

<div>One element</div>
{{ separator() }}
<div>Another element</div>


In the following example we render a horizontal separator

{% from "@macros/separator.twig" import separator %}

<span>One piece of text</span>
{{ separator({
    horizontal: true
}) }}
<span>Another piece of text</span>


In the following example we render an l size separator of secondary variant with a custom class making it visible on all devices but mobile.

{% from "@macros/separator.twig" import separator %}

<div>One element</div>
{{ separator({
    size: 'l',
    variant: 'secondary',
    classNames: 'hidden-xs-only'
}) }}
<div>Another element</div>

Macro source code

{% macro separator(options) %}
    {% set separatorClass = options.horizontal ? 'separator-horizontal' : 'separator' %}
    {% set horizontalSize = options.size and options.horizontal ? "separator-horizontal_#{options.size}" : '' %}
    {% set verticalSize = options.size and not options.horizontal ? "separator_#{options.size}" : '' %}
    {% set noMarginClass = options.noMargin ? 'mb-xs-0 mt-xs-0' : '' %}
    {% set variantClass = options.variant is defined ? "separator_#{options.variant}" : '' %}

    <hr class="{{ separatorClass }} {{ horizontalSize }} {{ verticalSize }} {{ noMarginClass }} {{ variantClass }} {{ options.classNames }}"></hr>
{% endmacro %}