The select_variant_option
macro is used to display an option of the product in a select format.
Input parameters¶
represents an object of select variant option attributes
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.option | ProductOption |
null | yes | ProductOption object representing a product option |
options.stockOptionsOrder | number |
- | yes | Number of the sorting order of the stock options |
options.hasSelectedValuesByDefault | boolean |
false | no | If set to true the option has selected values by default |
options.selectedOptionsValues | ProductVariantOptionValuesList |
"" | no | ProductVariantOptionValuesList of the selected option values by default |
options.showGrossPrice | string |
"" | no | If set to true the gross price will appear instead of the net price |
options.moduleConfig | object |
"" | no | The object of product variants configuration options |
represents an object of product variants configuration options
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.moduleConfig.showStockVariantOptionUnavailability | number |
1 |
no | If set to 1 and unavailable variant is selected, a proper message will be displayed. |
options.moduleConfig.singleChoiceBoxDisplayStyle | string |
isClassicRadioButtonStyle |
no | Either isClassicRadioButtonStyle or isModernRadioButtonStyle . Defines a display style of checkboxes. If isClassicRadioButtonStyle is set, one checkbox per line will be displayed, otherwise there will be multiple checkboxes in one line. |
options.moduleConfig.moduleTitleInProductVariants | string |
"" | yes | Title of the variant module. If not specified no title will be displayed. |
options.moduleConfig.instanceId | string |
"" | no | A unique identifier commonly provided by a special module variable moduleInstance |
In this example we render a basic list of select variant options from a certain product. We also set an additional parameter stockOptionsOrder
that increases every time we encounter a stock option. This helps keep all the options in the correct order.
{% from "@macros/select_variant_option.twig" import select_variant_option %}
{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(1) %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = 1 %}
{% for option in product.options %}
{% if option.isSelect %}
{{ select_variant_option({
option: option,
stockOptionsOrder: stockOptionsOrder
}) }}
{% if option.isStockOption %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = stockOptionsOrder + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
In this example we render a very similar list but this time we also set selectedOptionValues
attribute based on the default variant of the product. The hasSelectedValuesByDefault
is set to true
if there are any values in the selectedOptionValues
{% from "@macros/select_variant_option.twig" import select_variant_option %}
{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(1) %}
{% set selectedOptionsValues = defaultVariant.optionValues|map(optionValue => %}
{% set hasSelectedValuesByDefault = selectedOptionsValues|length > 0 %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = 1 %}
{% for option in product.options %}
{% if option.isSelect %}
{{ select_variant_option({
option: option,
stockOptionsOrder: stockOptionsOrder,
selectedOptionsValues: selectedOptionsValues,
hasSelectedValuesByDefault: hasSelectedValuesByDefault
}) }}
{% if option.isStockOption %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = stockOptionsOrder + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
In this example we render a list of select variant options but modify the default moduleConfig
{% from "@macros/select_variant_option.twig" import select_variant_option %}
{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(1) %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = 1 %}
{% for option in product.options %}
{% if option.isSelect %}
{{ select_variant_option({
option: option,
stockOptionsOrder: stockOptionsOrder,
moduleConfig: {
"showStockVariantOptionUnavailability": 0,
"singleChoiceBoxDisplayStyle": "isModernRadioButtonStyle",
"moduleTitleInProductVariants": {"en_US": "Choose a product variant you like:"}
}) }}
{% if option.isStockOption %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = stockOptionsOrder + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
In this example we render a list of select variant options but we set a showGrossPrice
attribute ased on the global prices setings with the help of a special Object Api method getProductPricesSettings().
{% from "@macros/select_variant_option.twig" import select_variant_option %}
{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(1) %}
{% set globalPricesSettings = ObjectApi.getProductPricesSettings() %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = 1 %}
{% for option in product.options %}
{% if option.isSelect %}
{{ select_variant_option({
option: option,
stockOptionsOrder: stockOptionsOrder,
showGrossPrice: globalPricesSettings.showGrossPrice
}) }}
{% if option.isStockOption %}
{% set stockOptionsOrder = stockOptionsOrder + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Macro source code¶
{% macro select_variant_option(options) %}
{% set variantOption = options.option %}
{% set shouldInitallyHideVariantOption = options.stockOptionsOrder > 1 and not options.hasSelectedValuesByDefault %}
{% set isStockOption = variantOption.isStockOption %}
{% set controlName = "option_#{}" %}
{% if isStockOption %}
is-stock stock-order="{{ options.stockOptionsOrder }}"
{% if shouldInitallyHideVariantOption %}hidden{% endif %}
{% endif %}
order="{{ variantOption.order }}"
option-id="{{ }}"
option-name="{{ controlName }}"
{% if variantOption.isRequired %}required="true"{% endif %}
validation-name-label="{{ }}"
<div class="control__label">
<label class="label {% if variantOption.isRequired %}label_required{% endif %}">
{{ }}
{% if not variantOption.isRequired %}<span class="label__optional">{{ translate('Optional') }}</span>{% endif %}
<div class="control__content">
<div class="control__element">
<h-select {% if variantOption.isRequired %}required{% endif %} class="select" control-id="option_{{ }}" control-name="{{ controlName }}">
<h-select-toggler class="select-toggler" aria-label="{{ translate('Select') }}">
<span class="select-toggler__placeholder" slot="placeholder">{{ translate('Select') }}</span>
{{ variantOption.values.setItemCountPerPage(variantOption.values.count) }}
{% for value in variantOption.values %}
{% set hasPriceModification = options.hasPriceModification and (value.isPriceModifier or value.isPercentagePriceModifier) %}
{% set hasIncrisingPriceModification = hasPriceModification and value.priceModification.grossValue > 0 or value.percentagePriceModification > 0 %}
{% if value.isPriceModifier %}
{% set formatPriceModification = options.showGrossPrice ? value.priceModification.formatGross : value.priceModification.formatNet %}
{% endif %}
{% if value.isPercentagePriceModifier %}
{% set formatPriceModification = value.formatPercentagePriceModification %}
{% endif %}
{% if hasPriceModification %}
{% set formatPriceModification = hasIncrisingPriceModification ? "+#{formatPriceModification}" : formatPriceModification %}
{% endif %}
{% set isValueUnavailable = isStockOption and not value.isAvailable and options.moduleConfig.showStockVariantOptionUnavailability %}
{% set isValueSelected = in options.selectedOptionsValues %}
<h-option data-user-value="{{ }}" value="{{ }}"
{% if value.productImage %}data-option-value-product-image-url="{{ value.productImage.webpUrl }}"{% endif %}
{% if isValueUnavailable %}data-option-value-unavailable disabled clickable{% endif %}
{% if isValueSelected %}selected{% endif %}
{% if hasPriceModification %}data-price-modifier="{{ formatPriceModification }}"{% endif %}>
<h-option-content>{{ }} {% if hasPriceModification %} ({{ formatPriceModification }}) {% endif %}</h-option-content>
{% if isValueUnavailable %}
<span class="select-option__additional-content">
{{ translate('Out of stock') }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}