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The photo_slider macro is used to render a slider of photos and is used in a photo_slider module.


{% photo_slider(sliderSettings, options) %}

Input parameters


object represents an object of slider configuration settings taken from On top of that we also provide a few additional properties:

Option key Type Default Required Description
sliderSettings.mountOnConnectedCallback boolean false no If set to true the slider will be rendered when page loads


object represents an object of macro configuration options

Option key Type Default Required Description
options.moduleInstanceId number - yes Instance id of the module that the component should refer to
options.variant string "" no Sets the visual variant of the slider, supported values are default, minimal and multiple
options.showNavigation number - no If set to 1 the arrow navigation will be enabled.
options.autoplay number - no If set to 1 auto changing of the slides will be enabled
options.slideDisplayTime number 5000 no Allows to set (in milliseconds) how long should one slide be displayed before change.
options.scrollingDuration number 400 no Allows to set (in milliseconds) how long should sliding animation last.
options.title string - no Title of a slider
options.classNames string "" no String containing additional classNames that will be added to the slider
options.images array - no Represents an array of image objects


array Represents an array of image objects each consisting of the following properties:

Option key Type Default Required Description
options.images[index].label string "" no Label text of the slide
options.images[index].description string "" no Description text of the slide
options.images[index].active number - no If set to 1 the slide will be displayed
options.images[index].url string "" no Url path of page where user will be redirected after clicking on this slide
options.images[index].alt string "" no Alt attribute of the image
options.images[index].order number - no Order in which the images wil be rendered from the smallest number to the largest
options.images[index].image object - no Represents an image object


object Represents an image object consisting of the following properties:

Option key Type Default Required Description string "" no Unique id of the image
options.width number - no Width of the image
options.height number - no Height of the image
options.file_name string "" no Name of the image file
options.uploaded_file string "" no Name of the uploaded image file


In this example we render a photo slider with some settings and options. photo-slider macro is made to be used inside the photo_slider module and because of that the options object is usually taken from the module configuration and does not have to be declared separately but for the sake of an example we defined the object here.

{% from "@macros/photo_slider.twig" import photo_slider %}

    set sliderSettings = {
        "mountOnConnectedCallback": true,
        "type": "loop",
        "perPage": 1,
        "perMove": 1,
        "arrows": true,
        "pagination": false,
        "autoplay": true,
        "interval": 5000,
        "speed": 400,
        "keyboard": true,
        "padding": "2.5rem",
        "gap": "0.5rem",
        "mediaQuery": "min",
        "breakpoints": {
            768: {
                "padding": "5.25rem",
                "perPage": 2,
                "gap": "1rem"
            1200: {
                "perPage": 3
            1920: {
                "perPage": 4

    set options = {
        "moduleInstanceId": 1,
        "variant": "multiple_slides",
        "showNavigation": "1",
        "autoplay": "1",
        "slideDisplayTime": "2",
        "scrollingDuration": "2",
        "title": {
            "pl_PL": "example title"
        "images": {
            "pl_PL": [
                    "active": true,
                    "label": "image1",
                    "alt": "alt1",
                    "order": 1,
                    "description": "description1",
                    "image": {
                        "width": 1000,
                        "height": 666,
                        "file_name": "1000_F_109397389_huBYRiES0sAHsYBHuo7XU9aRvD0I73if.png",
                        "uploaded_file": "7ce8953f-f5ba-40b8-8d13-52329af04a65.png"
                    "active": true,
                    "label": "image2",
                    "alt": "alt1"
                    "order": 2,
                    "description": "description1",
                    "image": {
                        "width": 1600,
                        "height": 900,
                        "file_name": "purple-sky.jpg",
                        "uploaded_file": "15d56785-ff08-4c0f-bc78-5bd9d821bc48.jpeg"

    photo_slider(sliderSettings, options)


In this example we render a photo slider with a module configuration.

{% from "@macros/photo_slider.twig" import photo_slider %}

    set sliderSettings = {
        "mountOnConnectedCallback": true,
        "type": "loop",
        "perPage": 1,
        "perMove": 1,
        "arrows": false,
        "pagination": false,
        "autoplay": false,
        "interval": 5000,
        "speed": 400,
        "keyboard": true

    photo_slider(sliderSettings, moduleConfig|merge({ moduleInstanceId }))

Macro source code

{% macro photo_slider(sliderSettings, options) %}
    {% from "@macros/image.twig" import image %}
    {% from "@macros/slider_arrow_left.twig" import slider_arrow_left %}
    {% from "@macros/slider_arrow_right.twig" import slider_arrow_right %}

    <photo-slider name="{{ options.moduleInstanceId }}" class="photo-slider
            {% if options.variant == "minimal" %}photo-slider_minimal{% endif %} 
            {% if options.variant == "multiple" %}photo-slider_multiple{% endif %}
            {{ options.classNames|join(' ') }}
        {% if options.title %}
            <h2 class="photo-slider__title">{{options.title}}</h2>
        {% endif %}

        <h-slider id="{{ options.moduleInstanceId }}" class="splide" settings="{{ sliderSettings | json_encode }}">
            <div class="splide__track">
                <ul class="splide__list">
                    {% for item in options.images %}
                        {% if %}
                            <li class="splide__slide photo-slider__slide">
                                <a href="{{ item.url }}">
                                    {% set imgProperties = {
                                        src: item.image.paths.original,
                                        width: item.image.width,
                                        height: item.image.height,
                                        alt: item.alt,
                                        title: item.description,
                                        class: "photo-slider__img"
                                    } %}

                                    {% set webpImages = {
                                        src: [
                                                path: item.image.paths.webp,
                                                size: "1x"
                                                path: item.image.paths["webp1.5x"],
                                                size: "1.5x"
                                                path: item.image.paths.webp2x,
                                                size: "2x"
                                        type:  "image/webp"
                                    }  %}

                                    {% set originalImages = {
                                        src: [
                                                path: item.image.paths.original,
                                                size: "1x"
                                                path: item.image.paths["original1.5x"],
                                                size: "1.5x"
                                                path: item.image.paths.original2x,
                                                size: "2x"
                                        type:  "image/#{item.image.format}"
                                    }  %}

                                    {% if item.image.paths.webp %}
                                        {% set imageSet = [webpImages, originalImages] %}
                                    {% else %}
                                        {% set imageSet = [originalImages] %}
                                    {% endif %} 

                                        image({ img: imgProperties }, imageSet) 
                        {% endif %} 
                    {% endfor %}

            {% if options.showNavigation %}
                <div class="photo-slider__progress">
                    <div class="photo-slider__progress-bar"></div>
            {% endif %}

            {% if options.showNavigation %}
                <div class="splide__arrows photo-slider__arrows">
                    {{ slider_arrow_left() }}

                    {% if not (options.variant == "minimal") %}
                        <div class="photo-slider__pagination">
                            <span class="photo-slider__pagination-current"></span>/
                            <span class="photo-slider__pagination-length"></span>
                    {% endif %}

                    {{ slider_arrow_right() }}
            {% endif %} 
{% endmacro %}

Modules reference

Webcomponents reference

Macros reference

Used styles