The pagination
macro is used to render a pagination for a list of items, for example products list or articles list.
Input parameters¶
A list that a pagination renders for. It can have any list type, for example ProductsList or BlogArticlesList. Usually we get this data from Object API.
type parameter that consists of following fields:
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
---|---|---|---|---| | string |
"" | yes | Unique id of the pagination input | | string |
"" | yes | Name of the pagination input |
options.hasFirstPageButton | boolean |
false | no | If set to true , a button directing to a first page will be rendered |
options.prevPageButtonOptions | object |
null | no | Object of configuration options for the previous page button |
options.nextPageButtonOptions | object |
null | no | Object of configuration options for the next page button |
options.hasLastPageButton | boolean |
false | no | If set to true , a button directing to a last page will be rendered |
options.classNames | boolean |
false | no | List of classes that will be added to the main pagination element |
represents an object of configuration options for the previous page button
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.prevPageButtonOptions.hasPrevPageButton | boolean |
false | no | If set to true the previous page button will be rendered |
options.prevPageButtonOptions.prevButtonText | string |
"" | no | Additional text visible on a previous page button |
represents an object of configuration options for the next page button
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.nextPageButtonOptions.hasNextPageButton | boolean |
false | no | If set to true the next page button will be rendered |
options.nextPageButtonOptions.nextButtonText | string |
"" | no | Additional text visible on a next page button |
In this example we render a basic pagination for the articles list with previous and next page buttons. To get the articles list we use a method from Object Api getBlogArticles().
{% from "@macros/pagination.twig" import pagination %}
{% set blogArticlesList = ObjectApi.getBlogArticles() %}
{{ pagination(blogArticlesList, {
prevPageButtonOptions: {
hasPrevPageButton: true
nextPageButtonOptions: {
hasNextPageButton: true
}) }}
In this example we render a pagination for the products list with all the buttons. To get the products list we use a method from Object Api getProducts().
{% from "@macros/pagination.twig" import pagination %}
{% set productList = ObjectApi.getProducts() %}
{{ pagination(productList, {
hasFirstPageButton: true,
prevPageButtonOptions: {
hasPrevPageButton: true
nextPageButtonOptions: {
hasNextPageButton: true
hasLastPageButton: true
}) }}
In this example we render a pagination for the products list with only next and previous page buttons with additional custom texts. To get the products list we use a method from Object Api getProducts().
{% from "@macros/pagination.twig" import pagination %}
{% set productList = ObjectApi.getProducts() %}
{{ pagination(productList, {
prevPageButtonOptions: {
hasPrevPageButton: true,
prevButtonText: 'Previous page'
nextPageButtonOptions: {
hasNextPageButton: true,
nextButtonText: 'Next page'
}) }}
Macro source code¶
{% macro pagination(list, options) %}
{% from "@macros/pagination_button.twig" import pagination_button %}
{% from "@macros/input.twig" import input %}
<div class="pagination {{ options.classNames|join(' ') }}">
{% if options.hasFirstPageButton %}
href: ObjectApi.getUrl().forPage(1),
isPrev: true,
isBoundaried: true
iconName: 'icon-chevrons-left'
{% endif %}
{% if options.prevPageButtonOptions.hasPrevPageButton %}
href: ObjectApi.getUrl().forPage( - 1),
isPrev: true,
buttonTextRight: options.prevPageButtonOptions.prevButtonText
iconName: 'icon-chevron-left'
{% endif %}
<div class="pagination__page-selector">
<label class="pagination__page-selector-text" for="pagination-page-number-{{ }}">
{{ translate('Page') }}
<pagination-page-number pagination-url="{{ ObjectApi.getUrl().forPage(1) }}" current-page="{{ }}" on-interaction>
<div class="control">
<div class="control__content">
<div class="control__element">
type: 'number',
name: "pagination-page-number-#{}",
id: "pagination-page-number-#{}",
classList: ['input_xs', 'input_text-center', 'input_no-arrows']
<span class="pagination__page-selector-text">{{ translate('out of') }} {{ list.pages }}</span>
{% if options.nextPageButtonOptions.hasNextPageButton %}
href: ObjectApi.getUrl().forPage( + 1),
isNext: true,
buttonTextLeft: options.nextPageButtonOptions.nextButtonText
iconName: 'icon-chevron-right'
{% endif %}
{% if options.hasLastPageButton %}
href: ObjectApi.getUrl().forPage(list.pages),
isNext: true,
isBoundaried: true
iconName: 'icon-chevrons-right'
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}