The menu_content_info
macro is used to display a top content with informations and links regarding a currently opened menu.
Input parameters¶
represents an object of menu content info attributes
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.activeContentNameClassList | string |
"" | no | List of classes that will be added to the element holding the name of the currently active category or subcategory |
options.activeContentLinkClassList | string |
"" | no | List of classes that will be added to the element holding the link to the list the currently active category or subcategory |
options.currentContent | object |
null | no | An object of current category link, which can be different from an active category. For example this macro could be placed in a container that has a link for "T-Shirts" category. However after selecting one of "T-Shirts" subcategories, such subcategory would become an active category itself. In such case if we want to display a link for the "T-Shirts" we need to use currentContent . |
An object of current category link, which can be different from an active category. For example this macro could be placed in a container that has a link for "T-Shirts" category. However after selecting one of "T-Shirts" subcategories, such subcategory would become an active category itself. In such case if we want to display a link for the "T-Shirts" we need to use currentContent
Option key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.currentContent.url | string |
"" | yes | Url to the current category |
options.currentContent.title | string |
"" | yes | Title of the current category |
options.currentContent.classList | string |
"" | no | List of classes that will be added to the current content link |
In this example we render a basic menu content info
In this example we render a menu content info with additional classes for an active content name and link that allow users to see those elements only on mobile devices
{% from "@macros/menu_content_info.twig" import menu_content_info %}
{{ menu_content_info({
activeContentNameClassList: 'visible-xs-only',
activeContentLinkClassList: 'visible-xs-only'
}) }}
In this example we render a menu content info with an additional current content visible on all devices but mobile with a custom link
{% from "@macros/menu_content_info.twig" import menu_content_info %}
{{ menu_content_info({
currentContent: {
classList: 'hidden-xs-only',
url: '/path/to/category-1',
title: 'Category 1'
}) }}
Macro source code¶
{% macro menu_content_info(options) %}
<div class="menu__content-info menu-content-info">
<s-menu-active-content-name class="menu-content-info__name {%if options.activeContentNameClassList %} {{ options.activeContentNameClassList|join(' ') }} {% endif %}"></s-menu-active-content-name>
<s-menu-active-content-link class="menu-content-info__link {%if options.activeContentLinkClassList %} {{ options.activeContentLinkClassList|join(' ') }} {% endif %}"></s-menu-active-content-link>
{% if options.currentContent is defined %}
href="{{ options.currentContent.url }}"
title="{{ options.currentContent.title }}"
class="{%if options.currentContent.classList %} {{ options.currentContent.classList|join(' ') }} {% endif %} menu-content-info__link link">
{{ translate('All from') }}
{{ options.currentContent.title|slice(0, 46) }}{% if options.currentContent.title|length > 46 %}...{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}