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The menu_content macro allows to display content of a menu based on the list of categories.


{% menu_content(categories, options) %}

Input parameters


CategoriesList Object of CategoriesList type that represents a list of categories to display in the given menu content.


object represents an object of menu content options

Option key Type Default Required Description
options.parentCategoryId string "" yes Id of the toggler of a given menu content. Basically it should be the same as a toggleId attribute of a menu_toggle_action_button toggling a given menu and is necessary for a menu content to display properly
options.togglerPrefix string "" yes A prefix for the id of the menu content, usually it is used to specify what the given menu content represents, eg. category or subcategory
options.categoryHash string "" yes A unique hash id of the menu content
options.level string "" yes Level of nesting for a specific category. For example, a button that toggles menu from a navbar has a level of 1, a button that toggles a menu inside menu opened from a navbar has level 2 and it's subcategories have level 3.


In this example we render a basic menu content for subcategories of a category header link. We get the list of header links with the help of getHeaderLinks() ObjectApi method. To get a random hash for the categoryHash parameter we use a random() Twig method.

{% from "@macros/menu_content.twig" import menu_content %}

{% for headerLink in headerLinks %}
    {% set categoryHash = random() %}

        menu_content(headerLink.category.subCategories, {
            parentCategoryId: "all-category-#{}-#{loop.index}-#{categoryHash}",
            togglerPrefix: 'category',
            categoryHash: categoryHash,
            level: 3
{% endfor %}


In this example we show a use case scenario of a menu content macro taken from the main_navigation module. Here the goal of the menu content macro is basically to render contents for each category in a given menu.

Like before, we use the getHeaderLinks() ObjectApi method to get the header links with categories and we iterate through them. On each iteration we render a toggle action button that toggles a given menu content and a menu content. Because of a specificity of a level 1 menu content we don't use the macro there and instead we render a webcomponent by hand giving it necessary classes and attributes. Inside the level 1 menu content we render a list of toggle action buttons for categories in a given menu content. Here we also use our menu content macro that gets a list of those categories and uses it to render a menu content for each of them.

{% from "@macros/menu_content.twig" import menu_content %}
{% from "@macros/menu_toggle_action_button.twig" import menu_toggle_action_button %}

{% set headerLinks = ObjectApi.getHeaderLinks() %}

{% for headerLink in headerLinks %}
    {% set categoryHash = random() %}

    {{ menu_toggle_action_button({
        toggleId: "sub-category-#{}-#{loop.index}-#{categoryHash}",
        classList: "menu__list-link menu__list-link_toggle",
        level: 1,
        name: "#{}"
    }) }}

        parentContentName="{{ headerLink.title }}"
        class="menu__content menu__content_level-1 menu-content menu-content_level-1"
        contentId="all-category-{{ }}-{{ loop.index }}-{{ categoryHash }}">
        <div class="menu-content__container">
            <div class="menu__level menu__level_2">
                <ul class="js__sub-menu-list menu__submenu-list menu__submenu-list_level-2">
                    {% for category in headerLink.categories %}
                        <li class="js__menu-list-item menu__submenu-list-item">
                            {% is category.isParent %}
                                {{ menu_toggle_action_button({
                                    toggleId: "category-#{}-#{categoryHash}",
                                    classList: "menu-action-button_icon-spread menu__submenu-list-link menu__submenu-list-link_toggle menu__submenu-list-link_level-2",
                                    level: 2,
                                    icon: {
                                        orientation: "right"
                                    name: "#{}"
                                }) }}
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}

            <div hidden class="js__menu-level-rest menu__level menu__level_rest">
                    menu_content(headerLink.categories, {
                        parentCategoryId: "all-category-#{}-#{loop.index}-#{categoryHash}",
                        togglerPrefix: 'category',
                        categoryHash: categoryHash,
                        level: 3
{% endfor %}

Macro source code

{% macro menu_content(categories, options) %}
    {% from "@macros/menu_toggle_action_button.twig" import menu_toggle_action_button %}
    {% from "@macros/menu_link.twig" import menu_link %}

    {% for category in categories %}
        {% if category.isParent %}
                contentId="{{ options.togglerPrefix }}-{{ }}-{{ options.categoryHash }}"
                goBackActionId="{{ options.parentCategoryId }}"
                parentContentName="{{ }}"
                parentContentUrl="{{ category.url }}"
                parentContentId="{{ options.parentCategoryId }}"
                class="menu__content menu-content"
                contentLevel="{{ options.level - 1 }}">

                    {% set newCategoryHash = random() %}

                    <ul class="js__sub-menu-list menu__submenu-list menu__submenu-list_level-rest">
                        {% for subCategory in category.subCategories %}
                            <li class="js__menu-list-item menu__submenu-list-item">
                                {% if not subCategory.isParent %}
                                    {{ menu_link({
                                        link: {
                                            url: subCategory.url
                                        classList: 'menu__submenu-list-link menu__submenu-list-link_level-rest'
                                    }) }}
                                {% else %}
                                    {{ menu_toggle_action_button({
                                        toggleId: "#{options.togglerPrefix}-#{}-#{newCategoryHash}",
                                        classList: "menu__submenu-list-link menu__submenu-list-link_level-rest",
                                        level: options.level,
                                        icon: {
                                            orientation: "right"
                                        name: "#{}"
                                    }) }}
                                {% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}

                _self.menu_content(category.subCategories, {
                    parentCategoryId: parentCategoryId,
                    togglerPrefix: options.togglerPrefix,
                    categoryHash: newCategoryHash,
                    level: options.level + 1
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

Webcomponents reference