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The file_box macro is used to render a box that downloads a file after clicking on it.


{% file_box(file) %}

Input parameters


object represents an object of file box attributes

Option key Type Default Required Description string "" yes Name of the file and a text that will be displayed in the file box
file.url Url null yes Url object that represents a path to download a file
file.iconPath string /assets/img/file_extensions no Path to a folder containing extension icons
file.extension string "" no The extension of a file which determines which icon will be displayed. Supported extensions are: doc, docx, jpg, pdf, png, txt, xls and jpeg. If any other extension is passed it will be rendered as a generic file icon
file.size Size null no Size
file.description string "" no An optional description of a file


In this example we display a basic file box.

{% from "@macros/file_box.twig" import file_box %}

{{ file_box({
    name: 'My file',
    url: {
        relative: 'path/to/download/a/file',
        absolute: ''
}) }}


In this example we display a list of file boxes from a product.

{% from "@macros/file_box.twig" import file_box %}

{% set product = ObjectApi.getProduct(product_id) %}

{% for file in product.files %}
    {{ file_box(file) }}
{% endfor %}

Macro source code

{% macro file_box(file) %}
    {% from "@macros/icon.twig" import icon %}

    {% set defaultIconPath = '/assets/img/file_extensions' %}
    {% set extensionsWithCustomIcons = ['doc', 'docx', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'png', 'txt', 'xls', 'jpeg'] %}

    <div class="file-box">
        <a class="file-box__header" href="{{ file.url.relative }}" download="{{ }}">
                src="{{ file.iconPath|default(defaultIconPath) }}/icon-{{ (file.extension in extensionsWithCustomIcons) ? file.extension : 'generic' }}.webp"
                alt="File icon"
            <span class="file-box__title">
                {{ }}
                {{ icon('icon-download', {
                    size: 's',
                    title: translate('Download icon'),
                    classNames: ['file-box__download-icon']
                }) }}
                <span class="file-box__size">{{ file.size.humanReadable }}</span>

        {% if file.description %}<p class="file-box__description">{{ file.description }}</p>{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}