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selectOrders$(): Promise<Observable<UserOrder[]>>

The selectOrders$ method allows you to get the information about the orders of a currently authenticated user.

Returned value

A returned value has a type of Promise<Observable<UserOrder[]>> where UserOrder represents the UserOrder model.


In this example we make a UserApi call to get all current digital orders of an authenticated user.

    useStorefront(async (storefront) => {
        const userApi = await storefront.getApi('UserApi');

        const userOrders$ = await userApi.selectOrders$();

        userOrders$.subscribe((userOrders) => {
            const digitalOrders = userOrders.filter((order) => order.isDigital);

            console.log('ids of the digital orders:', digitalOrders.reduce((orderIds, currOrder) => `${orderIds} ${}`));

User API methods reference

Models reference