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searchForProducers(query: string): Promise<TSearchProducersResponse | null>

The searchForProducers is an asynchronous method that allows you to search for producers based on a given query.

Input parameters


query is a mandatory parameter of string type which represents a query to which results should be returned.

Returned value

A returned value is has a type of Promise<TSearchProducersResponse[] | undefined>. You can read more about TSearchProducersResponse here.

Event Bus events

This API method dispatches the following events with the Event Bus:


In this example we make a SearchApi call to get producer results based on a given query.

    useStorefront(async (storefront) => {
        const searchApi = storefront.getApiSync('SearchApi');

        const producers = await searchApi.searchForProducers('Samsung');

Search API methods reference

Objects Reference