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TBasketDTO object

TBasketDTO is an object that represents a data type object of a Basket model and consists of the following fields:

  • _links: TBasketActionsDTO
  • id: string
  • comment: string
  • countries: TCountryV2DTO[]
  • isVatEu: boolean
  • hasPromoCode: boolean
  • promoCode: TPromotionCodeDTO | null
  • delivery: TDeliveryDTO | null
  • discounts: { list: TDiscountDTO[]; sum: TFullPriceDTO; }
  • additionalFields: { selectFields: TSelectFieldDTO[]; descriptionFields: TDescriptionFieldDTO[]; inputFields: TInputFieldDTO[]; fileFields: TFileFieldDTO[]; hiddenFields: THiddenFieldDTO[]; checkboxFields: TCheckboxFieldDTO[]; }
  • taxes: { list: TTaxDTO[]; sum: TSimplePriceDTO; }
  • payments: TBasketPaymentDTO[]
  • shippings: TBasketShippingDTO[]
  • billingAddress: TOrderAddressDTO | null
  • shippingAddress: TOrderAddressDTO | null
  • sum: TFullPriceDTO
  • sumWithoutPaymentAndShipping: TFullPriceDTO
  • loyaltyPointsAwarded: TLoyaltyPointsDTO | null
  • hasItemsExchangedWithLoyaltyPoints: boolean
  • loyaltyPointsCost: TLoyaltyPointsDTO | null
  • loyaltyPointsExchangePrice: TFullPriceDTO | null
  • items: { list: TProductBasketDTO[]; count: number; positions: number; sum: TFullPriceDTO; discountedSum: TFullPriceDTO; }
  • invalidSections: TBasketInvalidSections


Represents the following type:

type TBasketActionsDTO = {
    [key: string]: TBasketActionDTO;


Represents the following type:

type TCountryV2DTO = {
    countryId: number;
    name: string;
    code: string;
    locale?: string;


Represents the following type:

type TPromotionCodeDTO = {
    code: string;
    label: string;
    description: string;


Represents the following type:

type TDeliveryDTO = {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    duration: TDeliveryDurationDTO;

Where TDeliveryDurationDTO represents the following type:

type TDeliveryDurationDTO = {
    valueFormatted: string;
    timeInSeconds: number;
    timeInHours: number;
    timeInDays: number;


Represents the following type:

type TDiscountDTO = {
    label: string;
    percentage: number | null;
    discount: TFullPriceDTO | null;

Where TFullPriceDTO represents the following type:

type TFullPriceDTO = {
    currency: string;
    grossValue: number;
    grossValueFormatted: string;
    netValue: number;
    netValueFormatted: string;
    taxValue: number;
    taxValueFormatted: string;
    tax: number;
    taxFormatted: string;


Represents the following type:

type TSelectFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    isRequired: boolean;
    options: TSelectOption[];
    label: string;
    description: string;

Where TSelectOption represents the following type:

type TSelectOption = {
    label: string;
    value: string;
    isSelected: boolean;


Represents the following type:

type TDescriptionFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    label: string;
    description: string;


Represents the following type:

type TInputFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    isRequired: boolean;
    value: string;
    label: string;
    description: string;


Represents the following type:

type TFileFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    isRequired: boolean;
    fileKey: string;
    fileName: string;
    label: string;
    description: string;
    _links: TBasketActionsDTO;


Represents the following type:

type THiddenFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    value: string;
    label: string;
    description: string;


Represents the following type:

type TCheckboxFieldDTO = {
    fieldId: string;
    order: number;
    isRequired: boolean;
    isChecked: boolean;
    label: string;
    description: string;


Represents the following type:

type TTaxDTO = {
    name: string;
    sum: TSimplePriceDTO;

Where TSimplePriceDTO represents the following type:

type TSimplePriceDTO = {
    currency?: string;
    value: number;
    valueFormatted: string;


Represents the following type:

type TBasketPaymentDTO = {
    _links: TBasketActionsDTO;
    channelId: string;
    paymentId: number;
    name: string;
    isSelected: boolean;
    description: string;
    channelKey: string;
    image: string;
    isFeatured: boolean;
    subChannels: string[];
    additionalInfoLabel?: string;
    integrationData: unknown;


Represents the following type:

type TBasketShippingDTO = {
    _links: TBasketActionsDTO;
    shippingId: number;
    name: string;
    isSelected: boolean;
    isPersonalCollect: boolean;
    isToAddressDelivery: boolean;
    isPickupPointDelivery: boolean;
    pickupPoint: TPickupPointDTO | null;
    description: string;
    shippingKey: string;
    image: string;
    price: TFullPriceDTO;
    isDiscounted: boolean;
    basePrice: TFullPriceDTO;
    discount: TFullPriceDTO | null;
    requiredBasketValueForFreeShipping: TSimplePriceDTO | null;
    remainingBasketValueForFreeShipping: TSimplePriceDTO | null;
    countries: TShippingCountryDTO[];
    availablePayments: TShippingPaymentDTO[];
    integrationData: unknown;

Where TPickupPointDTO represents the following type:

type TPickupPointDTO = {
    code: string;
    isCollectOnDeliveryAvailable: boolean;
    supplier: {
        code: string;
        name: string;
    address: {
        description: string;
        street: string;
        houseNumber: string;
        city: string;
        postalCode: string;
        latitude: string;
        longitude: string;

And TFullPriceDTO represents the following type:

type TFullPriceDTO = {
    currency: string;
    grossValue: number;
    grossValueFormatted: string;
    netValue: number;
    netValueFormatted: string;
    taxValue: number;
    taxValueFormatted: string;
    tax: number;
    taxFormatted: string;

And TShippingCountryDTO represents the following type:

type TShippingCountryDTO = {
    _links: TBasketActionsDTO;
    isSelected: boolean;
    country: TCountryV2DTO;
    cost: TFullPriceDTO;

And TShippingPaymentDTO represents the following type:

type TShippingPaymentDTO = {
    paymentId: number;
    cost: TFullPriceDTO;


Represents the following type:

type TOrderAddressDTO = {
    email?: string;
    isCompany: boolean;
    companyName: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    personalIdNumber: string;
    taxId: string;
    countryId: number;
    city: string;
    postalCode: string;
    street: string;
    street2: string;
    phone: string;
    state: string;


Represents the following type:

type TLoyaltyPointsDTO = {
    points: number;
    pointsFormatted: string;


Represents the following type:

type TProductBasketDTO = {
    _links: TBasketActionsDTO;
    itemId: string;
    variantId: number;
    productId: number;
    quantity: number;
    name: string;
    isExchangedWithLoyaltyPoints: boolean;
    image: {
        title: string;
        paths: {
            webp?: string;
            webp2x?: string;
            'webp1.5x'?: string;
            jpg?: string;
            jpg2x?: string;
            'jpg1.5x'?: string;
            original?: string;
            original2x?: string;
            'original1.5x'?: string;
    hasOptions: boolean;
    options: {
        name: string;
        value: string;
    delivery: TDeliveryDTO | null;
    unit: TUnitV2DTO;
    isBundle: boolean;
    bundledItems?: TBundleItemDTO[];
    isDigital: boolean;
    sum: TFullPriceDTO;
    price: TFullPriceDTO;
    hasDifferentCurrency: boolean;
    isSpecialOffer: boolean;
    basePrice: TFullPriceDTO;
    lowestHistoricalPriceInLast30Days: TFullPriceDTO;
    loyaltyPointsAwarded: TLoyaltyPointsDTO | null;
    sumLoyaltyPointsCost: TLoyaltyPointsDTO | null;
    sumLoyaltyPointsExchangePrice: TFullPriceDTO | null;
    loyaltyPointsCost: TLoyaltyPointsDTO | null;
    loyaltyPointsExchangePrice: TFullPriceDTO | null;
    package: number;

Where TUnitV2DTO represents the following type:

type TUnitV2DTO = {
    name: string;
    floatingPoint: boolean;

And TBundleItemDTO represents the following type:

type TBundleItemDTO = {
    variantId: number;
    options: Record<string, unknown> | null;


Represents the following type:

type TBasketInvalidSections = {
    shippingAddress?: string;
    additionalFields?: string;
    billingAddress?: string;
    basketItems?: string;
    shipping?: string;
    payment?: string;
    sum?: string;
    off?: string;