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select$(): Observable<BasketShipping[]>

The select$ method allows you to observe all basket shipping options.

Returned value

A returned value has a type of Observable<BasketShipping[]> where BasketShipping represents the BasketShipping model.


In this example, we make a basketShippingsApi call to observe all basket shipping options.

useStorefront(async (storefront) => {
    let basketShippingsApi = storefront.getApiSync('basketShippingsApi');

    if (!basketShippingsApi) {
        const featureSystemApi = this.getApiSync(FEATURE_SYSTEM_API_NAME);
        await featureSystemApi.registerDynamic('basket');

        basketShippingsApi = storefront.getApiSync('basketShippingsApi');

    const basketShippingOptions$ =$();

    basketShippingOptions$.subscribe((shippingOptions) => {
        console.log('Available basket shipping options:', shippingOptions);

Basket Address API methods reference

Models reference