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isDifferentShippingAddressRequired(): boolean

The isDifferentShippingAddressRequired method allows to check if a different shipping address is required. It is helpful when we want to show something to the user if they indicate that they want to ship to a different address.

Returned value

A returned value has a type of boolean indicating whether a different shipping addresses is required or not.


In this example we make a basketAddressesApi call to check if a different shipping address is required.

useStorefront(async (storefront) => {
    let basketAddressesApi = storefront.getApiSync('basketAddressesApi');

    if (!basketAddressesApi) {
        const featureSystemApi = this.getApiSync('FeatureSystemApi');
        await featureSystemApi.registerDynamic('basket');

        basketAddressesApi = storefront.getApiSync('basketAddressesApi');

    const isDifferentShippingAddressRequired = basketAddressesApi.isDifferentShippingAddressRequired();

    if (isDifferentShippingAddressRequired) {
        // do something if a different shipping address is required
    else {
        // do something if a different shipping address is not required

Basket Address API methods reference